Biodegradable The Way to Go
Since society evolved into a system that sustains itself through mass consumerism, the sheer amount of waste that such a system is capable of producing has long been accepted as a crucial problem. What is ironic is that, humanity has over the years consistently proved that accepting a problem exists and rectifying the problem are two completely different ball games.
The adverse health effects and the potential for disaster that non- biodegradable materials can cause are well documented and irrefutable. Yet, awareness has been slow in spreading and worse, appropriate changes in actions have been slower in being realized. Let’s take a look at why forced ignorance is not a very ‘green’ way to move forward.
Look To The Future
No, don’t look for flying trains or self designing food. Look for a dean physical space that does not reek all the time. That is the promise we owe to the coming generation. And it ¡s the one promise we need to be serious about keeping because all the technology in the world to provide a comfortable living ¡s just not enough ¡f the world we are leaving behind for our children is not pleasant to live in. Also, you may be loving the convenience of plastic bags and soda cans. But you should know that these materials will probably take thousands of years to decompose. And chances are high that in your lifetime you could find yourself in a world where toxic fumes and contaminated ground water can become part and parcel of daily life.
Biodegradable Plastics – Is This True?
If oxymorons could have wings, the oxymoron of ‘biodegradable plastic’ would fly high above the clouds and poop nuggets of solid money down towards plastic companies that have made them. As they surely have done already. The idea of biodegradable plastic is a bit misleading. Yes, some of these plastics are biodegradable, but only when they are subjected to specific temperatures and moisture content that rarely occurs ¡n the natural environment. What makes the situation serious is that of all these biodegradable plastics, even the ones that stand up to the claim by processing corn starch or synthetic polyesters, only partially break down and degrade.
Cumulative Toxins
Cumulative toxicity is a reality of our times now and it is direct result of humanity’s junking habits. The food chain is a complex concept, but the idea of energy transfer is relatively simple. Plants have energy, deer eat plants resulting in energy transfer and the process repeats itself when a tiger comes along and makes a meal out of the deer. Because of our excess junking of materials that just won’t degrade, toxic substances are often eaten by base herbivores, who end up passing on the toxicity to animals who are up the food chain, which ironically includes, human beings as well, Let this continue and accumulated toxin poisoning can actually happen just by eating food.