Everything You Must Know About Moles

Everything You Must Know About Moles

“While moles can appear in areas of the skin that don’t get any sun exposure, they are more likely to appear on the more exposed areas”

Noticed a strange mole somewhere on your body recently? One that wasn’t there before but has suddenly turned up most unexpectedly? Moles are a very common part of human physiology. They can be of different types – darker, lighter, raised, flat and so on.

Causes Of Moles

Moles appear when the skin cells develop in a cluster in one spot rather than getting spread out over a larger surface. There may be several reasons for the development of moles, such as hereditary genes, exposure to sun etc. While moles can appear in areas of the skin that don’t get any sun exposure, they are more likely to appear on the more exposed areas.

Nature Of Moles

Most moles are benign which means non-cancerous in nature. But in case some moles appear that look odd, or unlike the other moles, then it is best to get them checked out. Most moles appear on the body during the first 25-30 years of life. On an average one can expect approximately 40 moles all over the body, by the time they reach adulthood. As the years pass, the appearance of the moles may change slightly. They may grow larger, become darker and sometimes may even develop hair. These are all normal changes for moles.

However, one does need to maintain caution with regard to moles. It you begin to notice too many moles appearing rapidly, or in close range with each other, if new moles have odd colours or do not have a consistent appearance all over, they may be indications of some kind of problem. In such cases, it is recommended to visit a dermatologist right away and have the mole checked and treated.

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