Sparkle With Gemstone Facials
People have been using gemstones for over thousands of years for its innate quality to heal and to promote beauty. It is also used for treating many health issues across the world. So, nowadays in an effort to acquire healthy, flawless and radiant skin, many people are opting for gemstone facial treatments which is less harmful when compared to skin products filled with chemicals.
The benefits of organic materials are more known now and much awareness has been created about the same, when used on the skin. Also, at the same time the harmful effects of chemicals present in cosmetic products have come to light.
Gemstones have been used as healing agents in many ancient civilizations like Chinese, Sumerian. Roman, Egyptian, Greek, and Shaman. It is also widely practiced till date. Gems come from one unified source and that is, the earth. It is formed by the raw materials and crystals from the earth’s innermost core.
The radical change in lifestyles and the environment has left people’s skin unhealthy and vulnerable to many skin problems like pigmentation, inflammation, blemishes and even skin cancer. Mostly, these are caused because of the harsh effects of synthetic chemicals in skin products and due to the processed foods we eat. All these skin problems are indicators that the skin is in dire need of nutrients and supplements to detoxify it.
Ever since people have found out ways to overcome these skin problems by transmitting the energetic and other beneficial properties from gemstones, it has become one of the natural ways to provide energy and nutrients to the skin.
So, as a result, gemstone facials have become increasingly popular in the past few years. There are various types of gemstones found in nature and each one has its own unique healing powers and nutrients. Some of the gemstones used for facial treatments are as follows.
- Rejuvenates blood circulation.
- Fights infections.
- Lightens the skin.
- Diminishes white heads.
- Helps reduce stretch marks.
- Has skin repairing properties and helps in healing damaged skin.
- Has anti-ageing agents.
- Reduces wrinkles and helps in reducing fine lines on the face.
- Helps in rejuvenating and lightening the tone of the skin.
- Prevents pimples.
- Removes excess oil from the skin.
- Strengthens the skin.
- Improves elasticity of the skin.
- Nourishes and strengthens facial skin
- Gives lustre to the skin.
- Is a good moisturizer because it is rich in vitamin A.
- Has anti-ageing agents.
- Treats skin infections.
- Helps in healing inflammation, infected wounds, fungal infections and sunburns.
- Stimulates cellular regeneration.
- Purifies the skin. Pink Tourmaline
- Soothes and calms the skin.
- Helps in maintaining the right level of moisture in the skin.
- Deeply hydrates the skin.
- Helps soothe the skin.
- Protects the skin aid helps We making the skin appear smooth and dear.
- Rflivenates the skin and removes the dead cells.
- Restores and helps In maintaIning an Ideal skin tone.
- Safeguards the skin from al the harmful environmental effects.
There are various types of gemstones found in nature and each one has its own unique healing powers and nutrients
Benefits Of Gemstones’ Facials
- Tones up the skin cells.
- Balances an uneven tone.
- Promotes healthy blood circulation.
- Reduces wrinkles.
- Gives an instant glow.
- Renews the skin.