Skin Lightening Treatments For Under The Arms
People with a darker skin tone tend to have pigmented underarms, which is actually normal and not a cause of worry with regard to any underlying health issues. But apart from obesity and a family history, there are a few conditions that can lead to darkening of underarm skin which ¡s quite an embarrassing common problem, especially among Indian women.
Dark underarms are seen in Addison’s disease, a condition in which the adrenal glands produce insufficient hormones. This is a temporary problem that usually occurs during pregnancy and gradually disappears a few months post-delivery. Hormonal changes that occur in ailments like polycystic ovarian disease (PCOD), insulin resistance and diabetes also lead to darkening and thickening of the under arm skin due to an over production of skin cells. However, most of the hormonal induced darkening is reduced once the underlying hormones tall within the normal range.
“Hormonal changes that occur in ailments like polycystic ovarian disease (PCOD), insulin resistance and diabetes lead to darkening and thickening of the underarm skin”
Commonly referred to as post inflammatory hyper-pigmentation, the darkening of the skin under the arms can also occur because of an irritation in the area due to the regular use of deodorants, perfumes, synthetic clothing and self-prescribed lightening creams to name a few. The best course of action would be to consult a dermatologist who will examine the skin after taking a detailed history to rule out any hormonal changes or conditions that can be the cause for the darkening of the skin under the arms. The dermatologist might also conduct a few tests to confirm the same and then advise necessary treatment. Sometimes treating the underlying health condition itself reduces the darkening without the need to undergo any cosmetic intervention. However, in other cases there are a few treatments that can help a great deal in tackling this problem.
Effective Treatments
Laser Lightening
This is one of the most recent, painless procedures that lighten underarm skin without causing any adverse effects. But laser lightening needs at least six regular sittings done at least a month apart. The treatment is done with a 0-switched Nd:YAG laser that rectifies the hyperpigmentation and also evens out the skin tone.
Laser Hair Reduction
Getting a laser treatment to remove underarm hair is very helpful to improve the texture of underarm skin as regular shaving, hair removal creams and waxing darkens underarm skin gradually and the laser removal of hair helps improve the skin. For Indian skin, a diode laser has proven to be safe and most effective. A combination of a fractional OS Nd:YAG laser and a diode laser is used for lightening the underarm skin that is extremely dark. A dermatologist examines the skin and hair of the patient and then decides on the best technology option that will work for him/her.
Microdermabrasion (MDA)
Microdermabrasion is a machine that uses a rough tip or a row of crystals to polish the skin. Its exfoliating action effectively treats uneven skin, removes dullness and smoothens the underarm skin. This can be followed by application of mild serums which penetrate the skin better after MDA and effectively lighten the area.
Fruit Peels
These refer to chemical peels that are a combination of naturally available lightening agents like lactic acid and citric acid and hydroxy acids. Fruit peels is the best option for those with sensitive skin as these chemical peels do not cause many side effects and are also mild. They even out the skin, remove dead skin and also reduce pigmentation.
“The best course of action would be to consult a dermatologist who will examine the skin after taking a detailed history to rule out any hormonal changes or health conditions”