All You Need To Know About Skin Pigmentation

All You Need To Know About Skin Pigmentation

“Ideally, a dermatologist should be consulted so that the possibility of skin cancer or a systemic health disorder can be ruled out”

Darkened skin or increased pigmentation that results in patchy marks can be pretty daunting. Low self-esteem and getting into a shell among a group of people, is something that can happen to any individual who is not comfortable with her/his skin. Hence, right from young to old, be it a man or a woman, everyone wants flawless skin!

Why You Should Consult A Dermatologist

Skin pigmentation and other disorders related to it may occur due to many reasons and most commonly known is the changes in melanin, which is the pigment in the skin. However, you should never take skin pigmentation lightly. Ideally, a dermatologist should be consulted so that the possibility of skin cancer or a systemic health disorder can be ruled out.

A qualified and well-informed physician will run a few tests, examine the location, check upon the colour differentiation and also make a note of where it is present and spreading. It will help you gain better knowledge about how to deal with it. In addition to this, a physician will also assess your medical history to decipher whether the disorder is due to a congenital disorder or an acquired one.

What Causes Pigmentation

There are many external factors that can be held responsible for skin pigmentation. Consumption of a particular medication that is not suiting the body, chemical exposure and pollutants in the environment can play a major role in causing harm to your skin.

Ephelides is a much prevalent local pigmentation disorder that causes freckles and spots in the skin and very often on the face. Ephelides are brownish pigmentation spots that occur due to sun exposure and noticed on those with whiter skin tones. It also has a tendency of being inherited as well.

Other changes in pigmentation are found on the lips, gums and even soft tissue of the mouth. These pigmentations are called mucosal melanosis and are well-demarcated, flat pigmented areas that are benign in nature. However, it is essential that clinical monitoring is done so that you can be certain of ruling out the possibility of melanoma, which is a cancerous condition.

Increased melanin in the lower layers of the skin leads to disorders like melasma or cholasma. It is often noticed in Indian skin tones and many other Asian people and is pretty common in men and women, both. However, women are at a higher risk as compared to men. Though the cause of such a disorder is yet to be identified, a few studies conclude it as a genetic predisposition and some consider it to be due to pregnancy. hormonal conditions and even exposure to ultraviolet rays.

Preventive Measures And Tips

Since the root cause is still not known, some preventive measures for it includes avoiding direct sun exposure, minimal use of drugs that might contain hormones and refraining from taking oral contraceptives. However, bleaching your skin with lightening agents does make a great difference in maintaining lesser prominent pigmentation.

Since maintaining healthy skin is very essential for every individual irrespective of age or gender, just use a sunblock with the desired SPF as it’s something that is easy and also non-interfering with other beauty regimes. Moreover, it keeps you safe from harmful rays, spots and sunburns.

You should also ensure you consume a healthy diet that has ample fruits and vegetables, with a balanced intake of proteins and definitely a good amount of water intake. Keeping your skin well hydrated will do wonders not just for your skin, but it will also flush out impurities from your body that will help in avoiding other skin issues like acne etc.

Last but certainty not the least. getting in a good amount of sound sleep will help you witness radiant skin, a healthy glow and much more nourished skin. We often chase life and forget to take care of the small issues that can lead to lifelong problems, skin being such a sensitive organ, needs to be looked after and the slightest change in it should be consulted to avoid the worsening of the condition.

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